I am trying to read the json file and add the elements to a list so I can call them easier. I cannot figure out how to add all of "Heads" values to list.
So I could possibly call
to return somthing where I can get example.("Small_Cube_Head":{"Colors":{"Default"})
I basically want to be able to call the "Small_Cube_Head" and all color values
* json: Returns the whole file as a String
private void LoadJson()
using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader("Assets/JSON/PlayerPartsList.json"))
json = r.ReadToEnd();
JSONNode node = JSON.Parse(json);
Debug.Log(node["Heads"].Count); //returns 3
for (int i = 0; i < node["Heads"].Count; i++) {
Use Keys
like an enumerator to get each head name, and then you can loop through the count of that headName as the index
KeyEnumerator headNameEnum = node["Heads"].Keys;
while (headNameEnum.MoveNext())
String headName = headNameEnum.Current().Value;
Debug.Log("headName: " + headName);
for (int i=0; i < node["Heads"][headName].Count; i++) {
String valueName = node["Heads"][headName][i].Value;
Debug.Log("valueName: " + valueName);