I'm trying to list some files, but I only want the file names, in order of file date. I've tried a few commands but they don't see to work.
I know that using this code I can list only the file names:
ls -f *
And I know that using this command I can list the files sorted by date:
ls -ltr *
So I have tried using this command to list the file names only, sorted by file date, but it doesn't sort by date:
ls -ltr -f *
That last command simply lists the file names, but sorted by file name, not date.
Any ideas how I can do this with a simple ls command?
FYI, once I get this working my ultimate goal is to only list the most recently created 10 file names, using something like this:
ls -ltr -f * | tail -10
You could try the following command:
ls -ltr | awk '{ print $9 }' | tail -n +2
It extracts the file names from the ls -ltr command.