I want to render question and answers and append one style to questions and other style to answers.
My data would look like this
q:"data with 42 people?",
q:"Are awesome people?",
q:"Are awesome people2?",
And I want to render this in Label cause its nativescript (maybe is there other method )
<StackLayout class="dialog">
<Label v-bind:key="item.index"
:class="[item==q ? 'h3' : '' , 'a']"
v-for="item in mainTab">
<Button class="drawer-close-button" text="Cancel" @tap="closeDialog"></Button>
I tried some possibilities :class but do not work. How to render this whole list and append 'h3' class to item.q and 'answer' class to item.a ?
If there are duplicated keys in a JS object, only the last one is picked. You need an array to store them.
You can use object syntax to bind different class names: https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/class-and-style.html#Object-Syntax.
dialogTut: {
mainTab: [
{ type: "q", index: 1, content: "data with 42 people?" },
{ type: "a", index: 2, content: "hehe" },
{ type: "q", index: 3, content: "Are awesome people?" },
{ type: "a", index: 4, content: "sometimes" },
{ type: "q", index: 5, content: "Are awesome people2?" }
<StackLayout class="dialog">
<Label :key="item.index"
:class="{'h3': item.type == 'q', 'answer': item.type == 'a'}"
v-for="item in mainTab">
<Button class="drawer-close-button" text="Cancel" @tap="closeDialog"></Button>