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Redis still returns null entries even when they are expired

I am using Spring Repositories with Redis and want to store data about user for 10 seconds and expire them (and delete them) from redis. I know expiring and deleting is different, but is there an easy way to delete them like I am expiring them automatically.

I have the following entity

@RedisHash(value = "User", timeToLive = 10)
public class User {
    private String id;
    @ApiModelProperty(notes = "First name of the user")
    private String firstName;
    @ApiModelProperty(notes = "Last name of the user")
    private String lastName;



public interface UserRepository extends CrudRepository<User, String> {

Configuration for Redis

public class RedisConfig {

    private String redisHostname;
    private int redisPort;

    public JedisConnectionFactory jedisConnectionFactory() {
        RedisStandaloneConfiguration redisStandaloneConfiguration = new RedisStandaloneConfiguration(redisHostname, redisPort);
        return new JedisConnectionFactory(redisStandaloneConfiguration);

    public RedisTemplate<String, Object> redisTemplate() {
        RedisTemplate<String, Object> template = new RedisTemplate<>();
        return template;

When I get all the entities with findAll method from the repository if they are expired I get a bunch of null values, and I can see that they are in the redis with a redis client. I am worried that this will fill the db with a lot of expired data. Is there a way to delete the expired entities.


  • When the expiration is set to a positive value, the corresponding EXPIRE command is executed. In addition to persisting the original, a phantom copy is persisted in Redis and set to expire five minutes after the original one.

    for more information, please reference here

    Hope this post helps you.