I have the following method:
internal typealias MaybeError<T> = Either<GenericError, T>
override fun createCompany(companyDomain: CompanyDomain): MaybeError<CompanyDomain> =
checkCompany(companyDomain).map { it.toEntity() }.fold({ Either.left(it) }) { company ->
with (companyRepository) {
isCompanyExists(company).fold({ Either.left(it) }) { isExists ->
if (isExists) return@with Either.left(CompanyNameExists(companyDomain))
createCompany(company).fold({ Either.right(companyDomain) }) { Either.left(it) }
Is there a better/more idiomatic way to write this using Arrow?
It is hard to refactor because I can only assume what used methods should return. But I guess the methods returns MaybeError
. In this case we can omit fold({ Either.left(it) })
and we can use map
or flatMap
internal typealias MaybeError<T> = Either<GenericError, T>
override fun createCompany(companyDomain: CompanyDomain): MaybeError<CompanyDomain> =
.map { it.toEntity() }
.flatMap { company ->
.flatMap { isExists ->
if (isExists) {
} else {