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Extjs how to create a new instance of the store without modifying the old one

I have a store that I call like this:

var store = Ext.getStore('mysotreid');

mystoreid matches with mycomponent.mystore.

then I create a new instance of the store like this:

var newStore = Ext.create('mycomponent.mystore', {
            autoDestroy: true

then I call the load for newStore like this:

            callback: function(items) {

The thing is that if I call var store = Ext.getStore('mysotreid') it is not the oldone store, but newStore. How can I load newStore without modifying the old store?


  • The second one Ext.create('') with same storeId override reference. After that Ext.getStore('storeIdentifier'); has reference to last.

    Look on fiddle: