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Coinbase API invalid request (oauth token)

I am trying to use the Coinbase API for oauth, but keep getting an invalid request response "The request is missing a required parameter, includes an unsupported parameter value, or is otherwise malformed."

Following their guide, I'm able to:

  1. Successfully redirect users to request Coinbase access


  1. Successfully have Coinbase redirects back to your site

GET app://oauth-coins?code=4c666b5c0c0d9d3140f2e0776cbe245f3143011d82b7a2c2a590cc7e20b79ae8

  1. Unsuccessfully exchange code for an access token POST

    let url = URL(string: "")! //
    var request = URLRequest(url: url)
    request.setValue("authorization_code", forHTTPHeaderField: "grant_type")
    request.setValue("\(self.code)", forHTTPHeaderField: "code")
    request.setValue("clientid1234", forHTTPHeaderField: "client_id")
    request.setValue("clientsecret1234", forHTTPHeaderField: "client_secret")
    request.setValue("app://oauth-coins", forHTTPHeaderField: "redirect_uri")

Because I get an error return in the json:

    error = "invalid_request";
    "error_description" = "The request is missing a required parameter, includes an unsupported parameter value, or is otherwise malformed.";

UPDATE (solved):

I needed to not setValue for all of the parameters, but to post them as the request.httpBody


  • I needed to not setValue for all of the parameters, but to post them as the request.httpBody