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Angular 6 and Sharepoint SPFX

Just wondering if anyone has any samples or links to instructions for running an angular 6 app on Sharepoint SPFX.

I have followed this example for Angular 5 but it will not work once I upgrade the angular dependencies

The error I get on the SPFX workbench when I try to add the webpart is

***Failed to load component "a884f6f5-e74c-4932-972f-0e1431147413" (AppWebPart).
Original error: ***loadComponent() returned an empty object for component "a884f6f5-e74c-4932-972f-0e1431147413" (AppWebPart).

***loadComponent() returned an empty object for component "a884f6f5-e74c-4932-972f-0e1431147413" (AppWebPart).
    at SPLoaderError.SPError [as constructor] (https://localhost:4321/node_modules/@microsoft/sp-loader/dist/sp-loader-assembly_en-us.js:10183:24)
    at new SPLoaderError (https://localhost:4321/node_modules/@microsoft/sp-loader/dist/sp-loader-assembly_en-us.js:4211:28)
    at Function.ErrorBuilder.buildErrorWithVerboseLog (https://localhost:4321/node_modules/@microsoft/sp-loader/dist/sp-loader-assembly_en-us.js:3821:21)
    at Function.ErrorBuilder.buildLoadComponentError (https://localhost:4321/node_modules/@microsoft/sp-loader/dist/sp-loader-assembly_en-us.js:3743:21)
    at https://localhost:4321/node_modules/@microsoft/sp-loader/dist/sp-loader-assembly_en-us.js:7952:38

The code can be located at this link

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you Damien


  • I managed to make it work running an Angular solution independently and launching the app from Angular Custom Elements like this:

    export class AppModule {
     constructor(private injector: Injector) {   }
     ngDoBootstrap(appRef: ApplicationRef) {
         if (!customElements.get('app-root')) {
         const helloElement = createCustomElement(AppComponent, { injector: this.injector });
         customElements.define('app-root', helloElement);


    And my git repo:

    It is still very WIP and I faced some encoding issue when running the build script (fixed using an encoding converter like notepad++ before running gulp serve)