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get long value from scala.Option in java

I have a Option<Object> from which i am trying to get long value. But this does not work. I tried the below steps but could not get the value as it shows compiler error. Please help.

Option<Object> expireTimestamp = offsetAndMetadata.expireTimestamp();

Also tried

Option<Object> expireTimestamp = offsetAndMetadata.expireTimestamp();
expireTimestamp.getOrElse(new Long(0));

Option<Long> expireTimestamp = (Option<Long>) offsetAndMetadata.expireTimestamp();

The method getOrElse(Function0) in the type Option is not applicable for the arguments (long)


  • As, commented by Thilo, I tried the below code and it worked

    offsetAndMetadata.expireTimestamp().getOrElse(() -> 0L)