I'd like to execute the job ~immediately with quartz scheduler using jdbc datastore. However I have like 20-30 seconds delay between the scheduling and trigger fire even though I schedule with now() or calling triggerJob.
I tried to execute the job with a simple trigger:
JobKey key = //...
JobDetail jobDetail = newJob(jobBean.getClass())
.usingJobData(new JobDataMap(jobParams))
Trigger trigger = newTrigger()
.withIdentity(key.getName(), key.getGroup())
scheduler.scheduleJob(jobDetail, trigger);
And I also tried to trigger with scheduler:
JobKey key = // ...
JobDetail jobDetail = newJob(jobBean.getClass())
scheduler.addJob(jobDetail, true);
scheduler.triggerJob(key, new JobDataMap(jobParams));
Here are the listener logs that shows the delay.
2019-05-15 13:59:52,066Z INFO [nio-8081-exec-2] c.m.f.s.logger.SchedulingListener : Job added: newsJobTemplate:1557928791965
2019-05-15 13:59:52,066Z INFO [nio-8081-exec-2] c.m.f.s.logger.SchedulingListener : Job scheduled: newsJobTemplate:1557928791965
2019-05-15 14:00:18,660Z INFO [eduler_Worker-1] c.m.f.s.logger.TriggerStateListener : Trigger fired: QUARTZ_JOBS.newsJobTemplate:1557928791965 {}
2019-05-15 14:00:18,703Z INFO [eduler_Worker-1] c.m.f.s.logger.JobExecutionListener : Job will be executed: QUARTZ_JOBS.newsJobTemplate:1557928791965
2019-05-15 14:00:19,284Z INFO [eduler_Worker-1] c.m.f.s.logger.JobExecutionListener : Job was executed: QUARTZ_JOBS.newsJobTemplate:1557928791965
I found crumbs here and there that suggested that the problem is transaction related. So I removed @Transactional from the service method and voila it worked. Looks like when you call trigger the scheduler thread asyncronously tries to look up schedules and triggers from the DB but the transaction is not committed at that time. Later the scheduler thread looks up the db again and it finds it finally.