I'm developing a React Native project and I'm using the Firebase Real-time database for that.
I want to maintain a user profile page. For that, I need to upload a user profile image to the Firebase database. When I view the user profile, I should be able to see the user profile with the relevant user profile image. I should be able to update and remove the user profile image as well.
Using GCS (Google Cloud Storage) to store the image/file and using Firebase Realtime database to store the URL is also OK for me.
I just need the best possible solution.
I went through some similar questions and still confused about a clear way of doing that.
Can you please explain and tell me how to do this in React Native?
I would like to share some code in my side project, which implemented the features you mentioned above. However, I am sorry that the full access of the project's source code is unavailable.
Step 1. Upload the image file while user submit image.
import firebase from 'react-native-firebase';
const upload = async (filepath: string, filename: string, filemime: string) => {
const metaData = { contentType: filemime };
const res = await firebase
.putFile(filepath, metaData); // put image file to GCS
return res;
Step 2. After the called the upload
function you should be able to retrieve the image URL from response and save it back to Firebase Real-time Database.
import firebase from 'react-native-firebase';
const userId = firebase.auth().currentUser.uid;
const res = await upload(`absolute/path/to/image.JPG`, `image.JPG`, `image/jpeg`); // function in step 1
const data = {
name: 'User Name'
photo: res.downloadURL, // retrieve image URL
firebase.database().ref('users/' + userId).set(data);
Hope it will help.