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Return data from queryForList() method - Incompatible types error

I am having trouble to get the data that I retrieve from MySQL database into a list of objects. I want to return the data and store it into the list. Once I do that, I want the data available for retrieval to a frontend framework.

But I get an incompatible type error, I cannot return the data into the list.

Note: I am relatively new to Spring-Boot and JdbcTemplate.

My code

This is inside my rest controller

private JdbcTemplate temp;

public List<Foo> connectAndRetrieve() {

    String sql = "SELECT fooName FROM Foo;";

    // Error Here
    List<Foo> data = temp.queryForList(sql, Foo.class);

    return data;

How do I return the data from the method and use that data?



  • You are actually projecting fooName instead of Foo, try the following:

    private JdbcTemplate temp;
    public List<Foo> connectAndRetrieve() {
        String sql = "SELECT * FROM Foo";
        return temp.query(sql, new BeanPropertyRowMapper(Foo.class));

    Here you can find the documentation for BeanPropertyRowMapper