To get better at functional programming in JavaScript, I started leaning Elm.
In JavaScript you have the object shorthand notation:
const foo = 'bar';
const baz = { foo }; // { foo: 'bar' };
I was wondering whether there is something like that in Elm? I'm asking because I have the following model:
type alias Model =
{ title : String
, description : String
, tag : String
, tags : List String
, notes : List Note
type alias Note =
{ title : String
, description : String
, tags : List String
And an update
function that upon receiving the AddNote
action adds the note to the notes array and clears the inputs:
AddNote ->
{ model | notes = model.notes ++ [ { title = model.title, description = model.description, tags = model.tags } ], title = "", description = "", tag = "" }
I know that in function definitions you can "destructure" records, but I think even in the return type I would have to explicitly type out each key of the record.
AddNote ->
{ model | notes = model.notes ++ [ getNote model ], title = "", description = "", tag = "" }
getNote : Model -> Note
getNote { title, description, tags } =
{ title = title, description = description, tags = tags }
There is not a shorthand record notation similar to JavaScript objects.
However, a type alias also serves as a constructor function, so you could have something like this:
getNote : Model -> Note
getNote { title, description, tags } =
Note title description tags