I would try to execute an example script based on Aparapi, on MAC OS. I'm using the last version of Eclipse, but when I execute DeviceInfo
example to get all the available devices:
public class DeviceInfo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
KernelPreferences preferences = KernelManager.instance().getDefaultPreferences();
System.out.println("-- Devices in preferred order --");
for (Device device : preferences.getPreferredDevices(null)) {
it generates the
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: com.amd.aparapi.OpenCLJNI.getPlatforms()Ljava/util/List"
Is there someone who can help me?
Despite macOS Mojave 10.14.4 don't support directly OpenCL, I've executed Aparapi Framework.
I founded that the problem is the Aparapi Library. In particular, to resolve generated error I followed these steps:
Open the directory "com.amd.aparapi" and from terminal execute
ant -f build.xml
This command generates .jar file of this library
Add the generate jar to the project's classpath in Eclipse
Add the specific Aparapi library for your OS in:
Before to execute the code, add the VM argument in "Run Configuration"
Execute your script!