I tried to change the line-dasharray settings using the following code,
'line-dasharray': [
['==', ['get', "user_class_id"], 'laneway'],[0.2,2],[0.3,2]
It gives this error,
Error: layers.gl-draw-line-active.hot.paint.line-dasharray[2][0]: Expression name must be a string, but found number instead. If you wanted a literal array, use ["literal", [...]].
So I fixed the code according to the error advice,
'line-dasharray': [
['==', ['get', "user_class_id"], 'laneway'],['literal',[0.2,2]],['literal',[0.3,2]]
And It gives me this error,
evented.js:136 Error: layers.gl-draw-line-active.hot.paint.line-dasharray: data expressions not supported
Do anyone have an idea how to fix this?
See the API documentation at https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/style-spec/#paint-line-line-dasharray. Data driven styles for line-dasharray isn't supported.
There is an open issue for this support at https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-js/issues/3045 which you can follow along for updates.
In the meantime you can split this layer into a few layers with different filters to achieve the same result.