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ListView.setClickable() doesn't work. (Nativescript-Vue)

I'm writting Nativescript-Vue app.

I have a component with two child components in it. So when I'm tapping a button placed in the second one, I need to disable scrolling of ListView placed in the first one.

So I took my ListView element via "ref=" and put it in store (Vuex)

<ListView ref="listViewEl" ></ListView>
mounted() {
    store.commit('putElInStore', this.$refs.listViewEl)


putElInStore(state, element) {
    state.listViewEl = element

I need to make ListView scrolling disabled when I'm tapping a button in the second child component. So I do it using store.commit:

<Button @tap="disableListViewScrolling"></Button>
disableListViewScrolling() {


disableScrolling(state) {

So I don't get any errors in this case, but there is no any reaction at all. It just doesn't work.

I also tried using setEnabled(false) instead of. It works, but incorrectly.

What do I miss? Where is my mistake?

Thanks in advance.


  • There shouldn't be any need to store the element in Vuex. Without the full code I'll give a you a general layout of how this could be performed.

        <childOne ref="listViewChild"></childOne>
        <childTwo @disableButtonTapped="$refs.listViewChild.disableClick()"></childTwo>
       <ListView ref="list"></ListView>
    export defaults {
      methods: {
        disableClick () {
       <Button @tap="$emit('disableButtonTapped')"></Button>

    Obviously this code isn't exact.