I have a server-side JSON array which I can retrieve. However I have issues trying to use the objects of the array as login details.
$scope.loginvalidator = function(){
var logins = [
username: $scope.Users.LoginName,
password: $scope.Users.Password,
username: '1',
password: '1',
for(var i = 0; i<logins.length; i++) {
if ($scope.userInput == logins[i].username &&
$scope.pswInput == logins[i].password){
$scope.feedback = 'Login Successful';
return true;
else {$scope.feedback = 'Login Failed';}
My code is only recognizing the hardcoded words and not reading $scope.Users.LoginName/Password as the LoginName and Password kept in the JSON array. I have bound the file read to an ng-click which I run before trying to login.
It looks like the for loop is not stopped. Instead of 'return true', try 'break;'
for(var i = 0; i<logins.length; i++) {
if ($scope.userInput == logins[i].username &&
$scope.pswInput == logins[i].password){
$scope.feedback = 'Login Successful';
break; //change this line
else {$scope.feedback = 'Login Failed';}