I have a JAR that's packaged with One Jar, so it contains multiple dependencies inside itself(using the JAR URL notation):
Is it possible to run main()
from a class com.example.A
that lives in deps2.jar
I tried java -cp one.jar!/lib/deps2.jar com.example.A
, but that doesn't work.
You can include a main() somewhere in your primary .jar that delegates to com.example.A.main(). This will give you the behavior you seek with just a few additional lines of code...a small additional class definition file. For example:
package foo.bar;
import com.example.A;
class MainEntryDelegate {
public static void main(String... args) {
So your app will then be runnable via the obvious:
java -cp one.jar foo.bar.MainEntryDelegate
or if you've set up your manifest correctly:
java -jar one.jar