I want to implement login / create account function. I declared a class 'Member' and set fields 'id', 'name', 'password.' I want to use hibernate-validator to validate the fields. Here I have a problem. When you create an account, you need to enter all of the three fields. So I set @NotBlank for all fields. But when you login, you don't input name field. So you always get error message when you try to login. How do I solve this problem?
I have considered adding dummy characters when you login but it is tricky.. Any other solutions?
As mentioned above, condition validation can be obtained by using validation groups.
Our reference documentation gives you all the details for that: https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/stable/validator/reference/en-US/html_single/#chapter-groups .
Groups can be a bit tricky, but considering your simple use case, it should be easy to implement.