How do you handle using PowerMockito to mock out Jenkins Job's methods that return a RunT object when that object doesn't seem to be exported from the jar.
When trying to mock getLastUnstableBuild I'm running into trouble as it returns a RunT and I'm not sure how to mock that since I cannot access RunT
I've tried using a mock run, a mock of Build and nothing seems to work.
@PrepareForTest([Jenkins.class, Job.class, Run.class, Build.class, UserIdCause.class, BuildServerGlobals.class])
class BuildServerJobManagerTest {
def thisScript
def expectedJob = 'job'
def expecteBuildNumber = '1'
def expectedUser = 'user'
private Jenkins jenkins
private Job job
private Run run
private Build build
PowerMockito.when(run.getLastUnstableBuild()).thenReturn(run) //fails
PowerMockito.when(run.getLastUnstableBuild()).thenReturn(build) //fails
No signature of method: hudson.model.Run$$EnhancerByMockitoWithCGLIB$$d8adb2d7
.getLastUnstableBuild() is applicable for argument types: () values: []
The generic RunT was not the problem. The fact that the method in question is a Job class method and not a Run class method was the problem