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JS with EasyPieChart and Waypoint not executing

I have a simple question as I'm not to deep into JS coding.

What is wrong with the following code-snippet and why isn't it executing as expected. (-> loading the charts as soon as they come into view)

var waypoint  = new Waypoint({
  element: document.querySelector("#chartcontainer"),
  handler: function() {
      scaleColor: false,
      lineWidth: 20,
      lineCap: "butt",
      barColor: "#9b0000",
      trackColor: "#ecf0f1",
      size: 160,
      animate: 1500
    $(".count").each(function() {
      var $this = $(this);
      $({ Counter: 0 }).animate({ 
        Counter: $this.text() 
        duration: 1500,
        easing: "swing",
        step: function() {

I don't understand what I have done wrong with my script. An explanation would be helpful for (maybe) future problems.

For the whole snippet and all the used libraries & frameworks, check out the corresponding codepen:


  • Waypoint actually fires when you scroll past an element. Your pen is most likely not tall enough to allow you to scroll up and down, therefore triggering the Waypoint -> EasyPieChart interaction.

    I forked your pen and provided a demo that shows that your code actually works :

    I simply added these lines to your body CSS to see that it actually works :


    In a real life scenario, you most likely won't need it since you're planning on scrolling past this content.

    EDIT :

    If you use the offset property of Waypoint, you can actually make sure it gets both triggered on page load, and on page scroll. Try using it like this :

    var waypoint  = new Waypoint({
      element: document.querySelector("#chartcontainer"),
      offset: $("#chartcontainer").height(),
      handler: function() {

    By setting it to the height of the container, you make sure it is fully visible before triggering the animation.