I can create my VMSS with CLI with skutype : STANDARD_D2S_V3 but it's not possible on JAVA because i didn't have this type of sku. There are not V3 on Java but i use Java and i use virtualization so i need a skutype allowing virtualization. I didn't found an option for this.
I try to use another function but i didn't find any function, any type in this function allowing virtualization.
public static void creationVMSS(){
VirtualMachineScaleSet vmss = azure.virtualMachineScaleSets()
I want a type of VM allowing virtualization
For your issue, there truly is no STANDARD_D2S_V3 SKU list in Java SDK. But it's actually supported in Azure for VMSS. So you can use the method that provides in the Azure Java SDK VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuTypes(String skuName, String skuTier) to create a custom SKU named STANDARD_D2S_V3, just like it shows in the Github:
public static final VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuTypes STANDARD_A0 = new VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuTypes("Standard_A0", "Standard");