I'm getting results from a REST API, it is a list of json object representing users with nested json objects inside each user. My problem is that nested properties names do not correspond to the bean properties I got in my code. But they are so inappropriate that I really want to not keep the API nested properties names...
I am using genson 1.5 with java 8, and lombok for my beans. I tried to use simple deserializer and then a Converter but without success.
Here is an example of what I receive from the API:
"FirstName": "Jack",
"LastName": "Sparrow",
"Adress": {
"String1": "Toulon",
"String2": "France",
"String3": "83",
"FirstName": "I am",
"LastName": "Groot",
"Adress": {
"String1": "Marseille",
"String2": "France",
"String3": "13",
Here is the bean I want to have as a new format:
public class User {
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String country; //this represents String2 from the API
I already tried those solutions:
private Genson genson = new Genson();
public List<User> getUserList() {
Response response = api.target(url)...get();
List<User> users = genson.deserialize(response.readEntity(String.class), new GenericType<List<User>>(){});
return users;
private Genson genson = new GensonBuilder().withConverters(new UserConverter()).create();
public List<User> getUserList() {
Response response = api.target(url)...get();
List<User> users = this.genson.deserialize(response.readEntity(String.class), new genericType<List<User>>(){});
return users;
public class UserConverter implements Converter<User> {
public User deserialize(ObjectReader reader, Context ctx) throws Exception {
User user = new User();
while (reader.hasNext()) {
if ("FirstName".equals(reader.name())) {
} else if ("LastName".equals(reader.name())) {
} else if ("Adress".equals(reader.name())) {
while (reader.hasNext()) {
if ("String2".equals(reader.name())) {
} else {
} else {
return user;
public void serialize(User object, ObjectWriter writer, Context ctx) throws Exception {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
The error is:
com.owlike.genson.JsonBindingException: Could not deserialize to type interface java.util.List
at com.owlike.genson.Genson.deserialize(Genson.java:384)
Caused by: com.owlike.genson.stream.JsonStreamException: Illegal character at row 0 and column 660 expected } but read '{' !
at com.owlike.genson.stream.JsonReader.newWrongTokenException(JsonReader.java:942)
Genson is giving an example at http://genson.io/Documentation/UserGuide/#custom-serde but they read a list of integer as a value this is why I tried a nested while for nested json...
If someone have ideas on how to deal with my problem, thank you very much !
@eugen Thank you for your answer, I tried @JsonProperty above each of my bean parameters but unfortunately it was not working.
Then a collegue came and we added in the UserConverter:
private GenericType<Map<String, String>> adressMap = new GenericType<Map<String, String>>() {};
and changed the second while for:
else if ("Adress".equals(reader.name())) {
user.string2Value((ctx.genson.deserialize(adressMap, reader, ctx)).get("String2"));
this is actually working.