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cucumber.runtime.CucumberException: Not a Map or List type

If I am using a data inside the Data Table which is not type of List or Map then it is giving me error

cucumber.runtime.CucumberException: Not a Map or List type

This is how I am testing this. I am testing it bottom to top i.e. write function > then write step def > write feature file (just for testing purpose).

java function:

public String getScenarioName(Scenario scenario) {

step def:

@And("^Get current scenario name$")
    public void get_current_scenario_name(Scenario scenario) {

Feature file:

  Scenario: Title of your scenario
    Given I have a scenario
    Then Get current scenario name

Since I'm using Scenario interface as a parameter I have to use it across, in function, in steps and in feature file.

Note: Please don't judge by the weird scenario, I am only testing it.

I have gone through below links, but it doesn't help me. It keep giving me same error. >> this one I couldn't implement, didn't quiet understand it.


  • You're looking somewhat in the wrong direction. To print out the scenario name in a given step you have to capture it in a before hook before printing it in a step:

    import cucumber.api.Scenario;
    public class ExampleSteps {
        private Scenario scenario;
        public void capture_scenario(Scenario scenario){
            this.scenario = scenario;
        @And("^get current scenario name$")
        public void get_current_scenario_name() {

    Then this scenario will print My Scenario.

    Scenario: My Scenario
      And I get the current scenario name