I have hundreds of rows data in vertical columns. I want to rearrange it in rows.....
Image is attached what I want to achieve.....
your valuable Help is appreciated...
A19 = 2
A20 = A19 + 3
B19 = =INDIRECT("A" & $A19)
C19 = =INDIRECT("B" & $A19)
D19 = =INDIRECT("C" & $A19)
E19 = =INDIRECT("C" & $A19 + 1)
F19 = =INDIRECT("C" & $A19 + 2)
G19 = =INDIRECT("D" & $A19)
H19 = =INDIRECT("D" & $A19 + 1)
I19 = =INDIRECT("D" & $A19 + 2)
J19 = =INDIRECT("E" & $A19)
K19 = =INDIRECT("E" & $A19 + 1)
L19 = =INDIRECT("E" & $A19 + 2)
... now fill down as far as you need but be careful filling down column A from A19, you need to fill down from A20.
You can make it more dynamic by putting the column letters above your headers if you want but that's up to you.
There are a few ways to do what you want and you may find an easier way.