I made a process that grabs the email body in an Outlook email. The email body is stored in a collection, however it puts everything into one row (which contains multiple information). I need to grab order numbers (that contain letters and numbers) and quantity amounts from this row, but I am not sure how to go about this. I am still learning how to use Blue Prism. Any advice would be great!
Well, the data is in collection, but it's in one big text field... so it's more of a question about how to parse the text to retrieve the data. And the answer is only one! The Regular Expressions!
You can find a regex action in below object:
Object: Utility - Strings C#
Action: Extract Regex Values
The regex is really powerful tool - for example with a simple "https:\S+" you can find all the links from the email. I think it's a great tool to learn as a RPA developer.
If you'd like the community to help you with building a an exact expression, then you'll need to how the exact html of the email message.