Recommended way to configuring observers on a property value change event.
Currently using the updated method and looping through the changedProperties parameter which works.
static get properties() {
return {
testprop: { type:String },
updated(changedProperties) {
changedProperties.forEach((oldValue, propName) => {
if (propName=='testprop') {
console.log('testprop CHANGED!');
But seems more overly complicated compared to Polymer 2.0:
testprop: {
value: '',
observer: 'dosomething',
To observe a property event change and run some code, is there a simpler / recommended way of doing things?
Per Alan's suggestion:
set testprop(val) {
let oldVal = this._testprop;
this._testprop = val;
this.requestUpdate('testprop', oldVal);
get testprop() { return this._testprop; }