Is there a way to disable all internal logging in this dependency (ethereumj) ?
Currently seems like its still loggin something.
What i did to combat this was exclude logback dependency (Im using maven) :
<!-- -->
Bud when i look at unstaged files I can still see logs/ethereum.log So looks like this logback is still active maybe its included from another dependency. Do i have to go thru all dependencies i have and look for internal dependencies if logback is present or is there some better way?
Seems like i have solved this by putting logback.xml and logback-detailed.xml
into src/main/resources/
With data :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<logger name="org.ethereum.*" level="OFF"/> Not sure if it really does anything. Bud works.
<logger name="*" level="OFF"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Seems like it overriden what was configured by dependency and i got rid of file created by logback and additional files that were created periodically.