The words inside the sentence are highlighted when clicked with the mouse. It works right up here.
But; Show the selected words with the button, unfortunately, does not work.
words = [];
var sentence = $('.sentence').html().split(/\s+/),
result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < sentence.length; i++) {
result[i] = '<span>' + sentence[i] + '</span>';
var a = sentence[i];
$('.sentence').html(result.join(' '));
if (a.indexOf(" ") + 1) {
alert('fail: ' + a);
} else {
$('.sentence').on('click', 'span', function() {
$('button').click(function() {
$('$selectedWords').innerHTML = words;
.sentence span:hover,
.highlight {
background: red;
<script src=""></script>
<p class="sentence">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Similique aliquam totam odit excepturi reiciendis quam doloremque ab eius quos maxime est deleniti praesentium. Quia porro commodi blanditiis iure dicta voluptatibus.</p>
Selected words:
<p id="selectedWords"></p>
<button>Show in alert</button>
Take a look at the JSFiddle I've put together for a starting point. It's not the best but will hopefully steer you in the right direction.
The javascript that powers the example...
* Sentence element
* @var {Object}
var $sentence = $('.sentence');
* Selected words output element
* @var {Object}
var $selected = $('#selectedWords');
* Wrap each word in a sentence in a span
* @param {String} sentence
* @return {String}
function wrapSentence(sentence) {
// Get element contents and split by whitespace
var words = $sentence.text().split(/\s+/);
// Create an empty array for storing wrapped elements
var wrapped = [];
// Loop through each word and wrap
for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
wrapped.push('<span>' + words[i] + '</span>');
// Combine words into a string
return wrapped.join(' ');
* Find all selected words in $sentence element
* @return {Array}
function getSelected() {
// Create an empty array for storing selected words
var selected = [];
// Find all spans with the highlight class
$sentence.find('span.highlight').each(function() {
// Push span values to array
// Return results
return selected;
* Override original html with wrapped
* Handle click event for each span in sentence
$sentence.on('click', 'span', function() {
// Add/remove the highlight class
// Update the selected output
$selected.text( getSelected().join( ', ' ) );
* Alert the user with selected words
$('button').on( 'click', function() {
alert( getSelected() );
} );