I am working on a requirement where I have to loop through 'formArray' controls defined in component.ts file to set the validations on form submit. I am getting an error like ".forEach is not a function" Mycode is below:
ip_addresses_arr: any;
this.companyForm = this.fb.group({
company_ip_addresses: this.fb.array([this.fb.group({
id: 0,
start_ip: new FormControl('', Validators.pattern("^([0-9]{1,3})[.]([0-9]{1,3})[.]([0-9]{1,3})[.]([0-9]{1,3})$")),
end_ip: new FormControl('', Validators.pattern("^([0-9]{1,3})[.]([0-9]{1,3})[.]([0-9]{1,3})[.]([0-9]{1,3})$"))
My forEachloop on formArray is:
saveCompanyInfo() {
this.ip_addresses_arr = this.companyForm.get('company_ip_addresses');
this.ip_addresses_arr.forEach(eachfield => {
console.log("each field",this.ip_addresses_arr);
if(eachfield.start_ip != "" && eachfield.end_ip == ""){
console.log("coming inside end_ip is empty");
eachfield.end_ip.setErrors({'incorrect': true});
}else if(eachfield.end_ip != "" && eachfield.start_ip == ""){
console.log("coming inside start_ip is empty");
eachfield.start_ip.setErrors({'incorrect': true});
if (this.companyForm.valid) {
My problem is it was saying .forEach is not a function. Can anyone please explain me whats wrong in the code. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
This is actually a linting issue, typescript and the editor complains about this because a formInstance.get('controlName')
returns an Abstract control. You will have to tell the them that the control you received is a FormArray, you can do this by doing:
this.ip_addresses_arr = this.companyForm.get('company_ip_addresses') as FormArray;
And you need to loop over the controls as.
And you are not accessing the controls correctly
saveCompanyInfo() {
this.ip_addresses_arr = this.companyForm.get('company_ip_addresses') as FormArray;
this.ip_addresses_arr.controls.forEach(eachfield => {
if(eachfield.get('start_ip').value != "" && eachfield.get('end_ip').value == ""){
console.log("coming inside end_ip is empty");
eachfield.get('end_ip').setErrors({'incorrect': true});
}else if(eachfield.get('end_ip').value != "" && eachfield.get('start_ip').value == ""){
console.log("coming inside start_ip is empty");
eachfield.get('start_ip').setErrors({'incorrect': true});