I'm trying to do some string manipulation (trim and split) with text data received from a TextBox in UserForm Excel Visual Basic VBA. But I can't get the String / text data obtained from user clipboard stored in the Microsoft Form 2.0 DataObject.
I tried
Dim s As String = CType(strPaste, String)
but it says expected end of statement.
If I only do
s = CType(strPaste, String)
then it's a syntax error.
I've also poked around the Microsoft Forms documentation but there is no list of methods associated with DataObject.
This is what I have.
Dim dataObj As MSForms.DataObject
Set dataObj = New MSForms.DataObject
strPaste = dataObj.GetText()
the Variant Type of strPaste
is 0, which is an object. I'd like it to be a String.
If you use early binding, you can see the methods in the Object Browser.
Here are some examples of putting stuff onto the clipboard, and reading from it.
Option Explicit
Sub foo()
Dim dataObj As MSForms.DataObject
Dim getStr As String
Const putStr As String = "This went to the clipboard"
Set dataObj = New MSForms.DataObject
dataObj.SetText putStr
getStr = dataObj.GetText
MsgBox getStr
End Sub
And something placed on the clipboard by an ordinary copy operation:
Sub foo2()
Dim dataObj As MSForms.DataObject
Dim R As Range
Dim getStr As String
Set R = Cells(1, 1)
With R
.Value = "abcxyz^123"
End With
Set dataObj = New MSForms.DataObject
getStr = dataObj.GetText
MsgBox getStr
End Sub
You may also find Microsoft Forms Reference of value, and also the link to the Examples which shows some other examples of using these methods, and interacting with a text box.