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How to place SQLite database outside of NFS Persistent Volume

I have a multi-node (2) Kubernetes cluster running on bare metal. I understand that 1. hostPath is bad for production and 2. hostPath Persistent Volumes are not supported for multi-node setups. Is there a way that I can safely run apps that are backed by a SQLite database? Over NFS the database locks a lot and really hurts the performance of the apps.

I would probably place the SQLite databases for each app on the hostPath volume and everything would run smoothly again. But I was wondering if there are some workarounds to achieve this, even if I have to restrict apps to a specific node.


  • It seems you should use Local Persistent Volumes GA.

    As per documentation:

    A local volume represents a mounted local storage device such as a disk, partition or directory.

    Compared to hostPath volumes, local volumes can be used in a durable and portable manner without manually scheduling Pods to nodes, as the system is aware of the volume’s node constraints by looking at the node affinity on the PersistentVolume.


    At GA, Local Persistent Volumes do not support dynamic volume provisioning.

    More information you can find here, and here.

    As one example:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: PersistentVolume
      name: example-pv
        storage: 100Gi
      # volumeMode field requires BlockVolume Alpha feature gate to be enabled.
      volumeMode: Filesystem
      - ReadWriteOnce
      persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Delete
      storageClassName: local-storage
        path: /mnt/disks/ssd1
          - matchExpressions:
            - key:
              operator: In
              - example-node

    With Local Persistent Volumes, the Kubernetes scheduler ensures that a pod using a Local Persistent Volume is always scheduled to the same node