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Return the rows of a dataframe that satisfy one condition while fixing the values of another column

I have a dataframe that looks like this:

Genres | Year | Number_Movies
Drama  |2015  | 705
Romance|2015  | 203
Comedy |2015  | 586
Drama  |2014  | 605
Romance|2014  | 293
Comedy |2014  | 786

I would like to return the gender by year that has the maximum number of movies:

Genres | Year | Number_Movies
Drama  |2015  | 705
Comedy |2014  | 786

Please help if possible. Thanks a lot.


  • Here are few options that can solve this -

    df = spark.createDataFrame([('Drama',2015,705),('Romance',2015,203),('Comedy',2015,586),('Drama',2014,605),('Romance',2014,293),('Comedy ',2014,786)],['Genres','Year','Number_Movies'])

    First Option: Define a rank using window function (partition by - Year and order by - Number_Movies desc). Highest Number_Movies each year will get rank "1".

    from pyspark.sql.window import Window
    from pyspark.sql.functions import row_number,desc
    w = Window.partitionBy("Year").orderBy(desc("Number_Movies"))
    rank = row_number().over(w).alias('rank')
    df.withColumn("rank", rank)\
    #| Genres|Year|Number_Movies|
    #|Comedy |2014|          786|
    #|  Drama|2015|          705|

    Second Option: Get maxumum of Number_Movies for each year and self join with dataframe to get the Genres.

    from pyspark.sql.functions import max,col
    joining_condition = [col('a.Year') == col('b.Year'), col('a.max_Number_Movies') == col('b.Number_Movies')]
        join(df.alias("b"),  joining_condition).\
    #| Genres|Year|Number_Movies|
    #|Comedy |2014|          786|
    #|  Drama|2015|          705|