I have no problem with doing this in a C++ program, but I am stuck on writing a ulong in JS.
FB has no issue if I used the 32bit process.hrtime() value.
But how does do a createLong() for a 64bit ?
see: [ https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_process_hrtime_bigint ]
# commented line does not work
# let timeStamp = process.hrtime.bigint()
let timeStamp = process.hrtime()
let ts = builder.createLong(0, timeStamp)
PNT.Telemetry.addSystemTime(builder, ts)
// Simple Telemetry data from/to Sim and Sensor
namespace PNT;
enum DeviceType:byte { IMU, VAN, GPS, MAGNAV, SOOP }
struct PosVector {
table Telemetry {
source: string;
systemTime:ulong = 0;
systemTimeString: string;
description: string;
position: PosVector;
root_type Telemetry;
You can use this function, it works well for timestamp
var flatBufferTimeStamp = function(value) {
var bin = (value).toString(2);
var pad = new Array(64 - bin.length + 1 ).join('0');
bin = pad + bin;
return {
low: parseInt(bin.substring(32), 2),
high: parseInt(bin.substring(0, 32), 2)
var timeStamp = flatBufferTimeStamp(process.hrtime())
let ts = builder.createLong(timeStamp.low, timeStamp.high);
PNT.Telemetry.addSystemTime(builder, ts)
Source: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/flatbuffers/ieXNEsB_2wc