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Appium/wdio - unable to dismiss location permissions alert on Android

I'm using to write a suite of Appium tests for a hybrid Cordova App.

"appium": "^1.10.0",
"wdio-appium-service": "^0.2.3",
"wdio-jasmine-framework": "^0.3.8",
"webdriverio": "^4.14.1",

In one of my tests I am trying to programmatically accept the Location Permissions native modal presented on App launch on top of the WebView.

I can easily do so in iOS using browser.alertAccept() but the latter does not seem to work for Android.

I also tried to switch to the native context to dismiss it but had no luck.

function dismissLocationPermissions() {
  if (browser.isAndroid) {
    new WebView().switchToContext(0);
    const ANDROID_ACCEPT_ALERT_SELECTOR = "//*[@class='android.widget.Button'][2]";
    // OR '*//android.widget.Button[@text="ALLOW"]' ?
  } else {

How can I dismiss the native alert on Android using wdio?

enter image description here


    1. The permission dialog is native, so you don't need to switch to the webview to dismiss it.
    2. There is an android id associated with the allow/deny permission button, so you can use that instead of the identifier you have used.

    The id for allow button is: .
    The id for deny button is: