I use the following command to generate signed xcarchive:
xcodebuild -workspace app.xcworkspace -scheme app -configuration 'Release' -sdk iphoneos archive -archivePath build/signed.xcarchive
to build unsigned xcarchive I just append at the end:
And I'm curious why unsigned xcarchive has 332 MB and signed 222 MB?
I found out that for example libswiftCore.dylib
in signed xcarchive has only 23.3 MB and in unsigned has 95.4 MB. Strange.
After further investigation by comparing output of each build using opendiff
I discovered that for signed build xcodebuild
runs bitcode_strip
on each dylib
which significantly reduces size.
That's why there is the difference in size between those two builds.
To be more specific in case of unsigned build xcodebuild
builtin-swiftStdLibTool --copy --verbose ...
and without parameter --sign
it doesn't strip bitcode. Message from build output:
Ignoring --strip-bitcode because --sign was not passed
Therefore it seems to be an intended behaviour of xcodebuild