I would like to make a loop in a filter parameters
I'm doing a multi filters table. Each column as an input to add a string to filter on.
For each column, I call the parameter name with the filter input in the filter function :paramN: filter[n]
Is there a way to make a loop in it so I won't have to write every parameter one by one ?
I have everything I need in an array but I don't know how (if it's possible) to call it in the filter.
Should I use a custom filter ? If so, what would be the syntax, and, would it slow the process ?
Here the code of my filter :
<tr ng-repeat="folder in listFolders|
paramN: filter[n]
} as listVisible
Here is my array :
{int:1, libelle:'name1', variable:'param1'},
{int:2, libelle:'name2', variable:'param2'},
{int:3, libelle:'name3', variable:'param3'},
{int:n, libelle:'nameN', variable:'paramN'}
Thanks !
In case someone someday face the same problem as me :
I made this function in my controller (it's called every time a change is made in the filters inputs via a ng-change
$scope.filteringFunction = function(){
var filtered=angular.copy($scope.listFolders);
for(var i=0; i<$scope.parametres.length; i++){
var filter =$rootScope.toNoCase($scope.filter[$scope.parametres[i].int]);
var param = $scope.parametres[i].variable;
filtered = filtered.filter(function (item) {
return $rootScope.toNoCase(item[param]).includes(filter);
and I changed a bit the ng-repeat (basically remove the filter and change the list listFolders
to listFoldersFiltered
<tr ng-repeat="folder in listFoldersFiltered as listVisible">
If someone know an other method to do it, I'm all ears !