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Parsing primitive types in Circe

I'm having an issue with json parsing when field can have different primitive value types. For example, I can get json:

  "name" : "john",
  "age" : 31

Or it can be in this form:

  "name" : "john",
  "age" : "thirty one"

Or in this way:

  "name" : "john",
  "age" : 31.0

I want to be able to parse field age to the following ADTs instances:

sealed trait PrimitiveWrapper

case class IntWrapper(v: Int) extends PrimitiveWrapper

case class StringWrapper(v: String) extends PrimitiveWrapper

case class FloatWrapper(v: Float) extends PrimitiveWrapper

So at the end I can get something like this:

case class Person(name: String, age: PrimitiveWrapper)

How can I do this? I found this topic: How to decode an ADT with circe without disambiguating objects

But in that solution we are parsing not primitive fields.


  • This is how you can do:

    import cats.syntax.functor._
    import io.circe.Decoder,
    sealed trait PrimitiveWrapper
    case class IntWrapper(v: Int) extends PrimitiveWrapper
    case class StringWrapper(v: String) extends PrimitiveWrapper
    case class FloatWrapper(v: Float) extends PrimitiveWrapper
    case class Person(name: String, age: PrimitiveWrapper)
    object GenericDerivation {
      implicit val decodePrimitiveWrapper: Decoder[PrimitiveWrapper] =

        ).reduceLeft(_ or _)
      def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
        import io.circe.parser.decode
        println(decode[Person]("""{"name" : "john", "age" : 31 }"""))
        println(decode[Person]("""{"name" : "john", "age" : "thirty one" }"""))
        println(decode[Person]("""{"name" : "john", "age" : 31.3 }"""))
        // Prints
        // Right(Person(john,IntWrapper(31)))
        // Right(Person(john,StringWrapper(thirty one)))
        // Right(Person(john,FloatWrapper(31.3)))

    Note: The following get parse using an IntWrapper

     println(decode[Person]("""{"name" : "john", "age" : 31.0 }"""))

    Update: As @Travis pointed out the decodePrimitiveWrapper can be written like this:

      implicit val decodePrimitiveWrapper: Decoder[PrimitiveWrapper] =
[PrimitiveWrapper] or
  [PrimitiveWrapper] or