I haven been trying to figure this out all day and just couldn't find my mistake. I have an ms-access database and a c# program that is supposed to update the data in the db. Unfortunately I keep getting System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Syntaxerror in update statement
I am using OleDbConnection
and OleDbDataAdapter
and everything (except for one column) was working perfectly. I couldn't figure out why I kept getting the above mentioned error for that column (it was formatted just like the others -> text), so I deleted the column and created it again. Now I get the error for every single alteration I try to make.
public void changeFields(string id, string name, string famName, string department) {
DataSet myDS = new DataSet();
using (OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(connectionString)) {
OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter();
adapter.SelectCommand = new OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM Table WHERE ID = '"+ id +"', conn);
OleDbCommandBuilder builder = new OleDbCommandBuilder(adapter);
myDS.Tables["Table"].Rows[0]["Name"] = name;
myDS.Tables["Table"].Rows[0]["FamilyName"] = famName;
myDS.Tables["Table"].Rows[0]["Department"] = department;
adapter.Update(myDS, "Table");
The names of the columns are correct and if I
right before I try to update.
I actually get the correctly changed version. The error always occurs for line adapter.Update();
Is it possible that access rearranges or messes some index up when I insert a column into the database?
Help would be very much appreciated
I figured it out! The problem was that I had a reserved keyword as a column name. Now it all works perfectly fine