I am using the following methods in my React App to transform my Object
to string. Everything works fine, but I want to output the result on the screen without ""
around the output.
renderConfigInfoCellRow = configInfoKey => {
const { lconfigInfo } = this.props;
return (
<tr key={configInfoKey}>
<td className="pt-3 text-muted font-weight-bold w-25">{configInfoKey}</td>
{(typeof lconfigInfo.sql[configInfoKey] === 'string' && (
<td className="pt-3">{JSON.stringify(lconfigInfo.sql[configInfoKey])}</td>
And I am using it here:
{Object.keys(lconfigInfo.sql).map(configInfoKey =>
Any idea of how to remove the ""
surrounding the "output"
?? Or if they is an alternative to JSON.Stringify. Thank you!!
There is no sense to use JSON.stringify(), if data is not object, try to change
this JSON.stringify(lconfigInfo.sql[configInfoKey])
to lconfigInfo.sql[configInfoKey]
Also there is condition where you check does the lconfigInfo.sql[configInfoKey]
is string and trying to transform it again to string.