I'm about to switch from CruiseControl.NET to Jenkins. I want to use the custom labeller from CCNET for Jenkins. How can I do this?
Currently I am using a custom labeller for CCNET like the example: http://predicatet.blogspot.com/2007/10/version-custom-cruisecontrolnet.html
Below is the invoking of my labeller (CCNET) in the ccnet.config file.
<labeller type="svnRevisionLabeller">
<executable>C:\Program Files (x86)\CollabNet\Subversion Client\svn.exe</executable>
In Jenkins I use NAnt as build tool. So i can not set such an entry in Jenkins.
In my .cs file I set the result als label. But in Jenkins there is not such a option.
public void Run(IIntegrationResult result)
result.Label = this.Generate(result);
How can I use my written labeller in Jenkins?
In Jenkins I added an other build step for windows batch command.
--workingDirectory="C:\temp\Project" --user="user" --password="password" --executable="D:\CollabNet\Subversion Client\svn.exe"
I solved my problem while I programmed my own classes and does not use a .dll but rather an .exe. These classes get the nessecary arguments and build a ThoughtWorks result object.
Then the old labeller can work with it.