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HotSwapAgent Popup No Longer Showing

I'm using HotSwapAgent to avoid server restarts with every code change. For the past year this popup is displayed at the bottom of my IntelliJ window whenever I triggered a swap.

However, last night I accidentally committed wrong files to git, so I did a git reset --hard <origin> today, which fixed the problem but now my HotSwapAgent popup no longer shows up!

It used to be shown here:

enter image description here

But now there is no indication whether it's succeeded or failed, I have to expand the Event Log tab in the bottom-right to see if the swap worked. enter image description here

I tried restarting my computer but the problem persists. Why all of a sudden is this occurring? Any suggestions?


  • Check the notification settings for the Debugger messages in IntelliJ IDEA:

    Debugger messages