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How to disable react-native AutoCorrect while text is inside TextInput?

I want autocorrect. However, when the user types "@", I want autoCorrect to turn off until otherwise.

I have tried setting the prop to false/true. However, the component does not change the setting (while there is text in the TextInput).

How can I get around this?

(iOS only)


  • Demos

    demo gifdemo2


    checkTest function

    See code comments for the most important remarks.

          //create a new regular expression 
          const regex = new RegExp("@");
          //check if the string contains an @ 
          const res = text.match(regex);
          // if res is not null, we have a match! 
          if (res != null){
            if (this.state.autoCorrect){
              // disable auto correction if it's still enabled
              // hacky part, we need to dismiss the keyboard first, then we can show it again. 
              this.setState({autoCorrect: false}, () => {
                setTimeout(() => this.input.focus(), 60);
            if (!this.state.autoCorrect){
              // enable auto correction if no @ is detected anymore
              this.setState({autoCorrect: true}, () => {
                setTimeout(() => this.input.focus(), 60);
          //update text in state 
          this.setState({ username: text});

    render function

     <View style={styles.container}>
          onChangeText={text => this.checkText(text)}

    Complete Working Example


    It seems, you need to "reload" the Keyboard to affect the reloading of the autoCorrect property. I think this is still a bug and is hopefully resolved in a future release. (see this github issue).

    In the meanwhile, you can use this little workaround and maybe do some fine tuning on the timings/regex etc.


    I found an extensive answer here, this one tackles the issue similarly.