How to work out which variable has the most characters.
For example :
var one = "qwert";
var two = "qwertyu"
var three ="qwertyuiop";
How to work out which variable has the most character.
First thing I am doing is counting the number of characters in each string.
var onelength = one.length;
var twolength = two.length;
var threelength = three.length;
The part I am struggling on is javascript to work out which of the above lengths has the most characters.
There's really no way to do this in Javascript (nor indeed in most languages).
What you're asking for is a kind of reflection. Conceptually, a function nameOfVariable
that takes a variable and gives you it's string name in return:
nameOfVariable(one): 'one'
Not possible.
The answers above are attempts to work around that. Ultimately in real code this would be structured not as a bag of variables but as an object (which is kinda like a bag of variables, except you can recover the names)
const strings = {
one: 'abcde',
two: 'abcdef',
three: 'abcd',
// Return key in object corresponding to longest string,
// or null if object is empty.
const longest_string = strings => {
let max = null;
for (let name in strings) {
if (max === null || strings[name].length > strings[max].length) {
max = name;
return max;