I'm using the DryWetMidi library to process some MIDI data.
First I get the MIDI Data as a MemoryStream from the Clipboard:
MemoryStream ms = (MemoryStream)Clipboard.GetDataObject().GetData("Standard MIDI File");
MidiFile mid = MidiFile.Read(ms);
Then I do some stuff with the midi:
mid.RemoveNotes(n => n.NoteName == NoteName.FSharp);
Now I want to write it back to the Clipboard. I managed to do this like this:
using (FileStream file = new FileStream("file.mid", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.
using (MemoryStream ms2 = new MemoryStream())
using (FileStream file = new FileStream("file.mid", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
byte[] bytes = new byte[file.Length];
file.Read(bytes, 0, (int)file.Length);
ms2.Write(bytes, 0, (int)file.Length);
Clipboard.SetData(midiFormat, ms2);
As you can see, first I write the MIDI to a file, then I read that file into a MemoryStream which I then write into the Clipboard. This makes not much sense, because it would be simpler to write it to a MemoryStream directly. Also, I don't want to write a file to the users file system. But there's the problem. I tried it like this:
using (MemoryStream ms2 = new MemoryStream())
This doesn't give me an error, but the MemoryStream is completely empty. Calling ms2.Length results in a System.ObjectDisposedException
How can I write the midi directly into the MemoryStream?
EDIT: Here's the link to the DryWetMidi Write() Method.
Second Edit: Here's a piece of code that won't work:
MemoryStream ms = (MemoryStream)Clipboard.GetDataObject().GetData(midiFormat);
MidiFile mid = MidiFile.Read(ms);
mid.RemoveNotes(n => n.NoteName == NoteName.FSharp);
MemoryStream ms2 = new MemoryStream();
var T = ms2.Length; //This will throw an exception
Third Edit: I am 100% sure that the code posted is exactly the same I'm running. Here's the StackTrace. (Gist because formatting was terrible on SO).
As far as I can see, DryWetMidi uses BinaryWriter
to write to stream. And the default behaviour of BinaryWriter
is that when it is disposed, It'll dispose the stream as well.
You can't read from MemoryStream when it's disposed but you can call ToArray()
byte[] result;
using (MemoryStream ms2 = new MemoryStream())
result = ms2.ToArray();