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Travis CI, Xcode - exit command is not passed further when using xcpretty

Here is my travis.yml file:

osx_image: xcode10.2
language: objective-c

- travis_wait 35; cd CalendarKitDemo; pod update

- xcodebuild build -workspace CalendarKitDemo.xcworkspace -scheme "CalendarKitDemo" -sdk iphonesimulator | xcpretty

  email: false

The problem is that the build is always marked as "succeeded" even if the actual xcodebuild command exited with failure, for example, here: "failing" job that succeeds

succeeding job

When I remove xcpretty, the job passes failure/success correctly, as with this example job.

How can I both use xcpretty and pass correct values to the Travis CI on the job success / failure?


  • Your issue is that bash by default uses the exist code from the last command, in xcpretty. So you get the exist code from xcpretty.

    You can either go and set the pipefail in your environment (set -o pipefail).

    pipefail will cause the script to exit with the first non-zero exit code.

    E.g. in your Travis file

    - set -o pipefail
    - xcodebuild build -workspace CalendarKitDemo.xcworkspace -scheme "CalendarKitDemo" -sdk iphonesimulator | xcpretty

    If you want to be more explicit you can also get the exitcode from the first command (xcodebuild) bash exposes the exit codes of a pipeline in the PIPESTATUS array.

    So e.g.

    - xcodebuild build -workspace CalendarKitDemo.xcworkspace -scheme "CalendarKitDemo" -sdk iphonesimulator | xcpretty && exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]}"