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MongoDB take the right reference with pattern matching

I am trying to insert records depends datatype to mongodb with the api.
Let`s first take a look at the datatype:

  sealed trait MsgDoc {

    final case class MsgPreFailure(raw: String, reasons: Chain[String]) extends MsgDoc

    final case class MsgProceed(raw: String, status: MsgStatus) extends MsgDoc

    sealed trait MsgStatus {


    case object MsgSuccess extends MsgStatus

    final case class MsgFailure(reasons: Chain[String]) extends MsgStatus

    final case class MsgUnknown(reason: String) extends MsgStatus

For every inhabitant of MsgDoc sum type, I am going to create they own registry, because I would like to store on differenet collection

    val preFailureRegistry = fromRegistries(fromProviders(classOf[MsgPreFailure]), DEFAULT_CODEC_REGISTRY)
    val proceedRegistry = fromRegistries(fromProviders(classOf[MsgProceed]), DEFAULT_CODEC_REGISTRY)

    private val client = MongoClients.create("mongodb://localhost:27017")
    private val db = client.getDatabase("Message")

    private val preFailureColl = db
      .getCollection("Failure", classOf[MsgPreFailure])

    private val proceedColl = db
      .getCollection("Proceed", classOf[MsgProceed])

Then let`s try to insert one record into the mongo db:

      .single[MsgDoc](MsgPreFailure("Test", Chain("Foo", "Foo", "Foo")))

As the argument to the insertOne method, I would like to pass either preFailureColl or proceedColl depends on the datatype(either MsgPreFailure or MsgProceed). In the example above, it is MsgPreFailure, then it should do the following call

      .single[MsgDoc](MsgPreFailure("Test", Chain("Foo", "Foo", "Foo")))

The question is, how to pattern match within the insertOne method to take the right reference?


  • You need to create a stream that has two branches which are terminated with different sinks. One of the ways to achieve that is with a divertTo operator.