I am trying to test inter-pod communication without expose as service. I have read that a pod does have FQDN in kubedns. kubernetes doc
Its default should be (A Record)
But I tried both with curl and nslookup. All failed. The service is healthy, I could curl it with pod IP (
curl: (6) could not resolve host
nslookup: can't resolve '(null)': Name does not resolved
What am I missing?
I suggest adding a service with type ClusterIP
for this: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#publishing-services-service-types
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: my-service
app: MyApp
- protocol: TCP
port: 80
targetPort: 80
type: ClusterIP
It does not expose your pod outside the cluster. Note that this is default service type and you can omit specifying it.
Then query the serivce like:
curl http://my-service.namespace.svc.cluster.local
This approach is better than using pod DNS directly for 2 reasons:
you don't need to know the exact pod name (e.g. name-id
in this case you can run multiple pods behind the service and it will load-balance requests. Or just run one and it does exactly what you want.