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How to set custom width for part sash container?

I'm new to Eclipse E4. I'm using part sash container. Is there a way to reduce the width of the left side? By default it container is separated by 50:50. I need that to be 30:70.

Sample screenshot. Here I need to reduce the width of left side. so that right side will have more space: Sample screenshot. Here I need to reduce the width of left side. so that right side will have more space


  • You do this by putting the relative sizes of the container's children in the Container Data field of each child.

    So if you have two children for your part sash container the first child could have a Container Data value of '30' and the second child a value of '70'.

    Note: It is better to use larger relative size values to get smoother resizing - so something like 3000 and 7000 in this case. It is just the relative values that matter as far as the sizing is concerned.