I want to download a .dmg file using webdriverIO and when the link has been clicked the file download popup pops out which is a .dmg file. How can I handle the popup which asks "save" or "cancel"?
If the problem is the save popup, then you can avoid the popup by setting the default download location for the browser.
In the wdio.conf.js
file, in capabilities
add the following:
Note: Before adding make sure you have defined
with the default path where the file needs to be saved.
capabilities: [{
browserName: 'chrome',
// this overrides the default chrome download directory with our temporary one
goog:chromeOptions: {
prefs: {
'download.default_directory': downloadDir
This code will set the default download directory and you will not see the pop up anymore.
More information: https://blog.kevinlamping.com/downloading-files-using-webdriverio/